The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
What is a Charter School?
A charter school is an alternative public school providing choices for families. Students may attend a charter school even if the school is not in their attendance area (district). Charter schools are tuition-free and provide academic excellence, innovation, and accountability.
A charter school in Oregon is a public school operated by a group of parents, teachers and/or community members as a semi-autonomous school of choice within a school district. It is given the authority to operate under a contract or "charter" between the members of the charter school community and the local board of education (sponsor). Under Oregon law, a charter school is a separate legal entity operating under a binding agreement with a sponsor. A public charter school is subject to certain laws pertaining to school district public schools, is released from others and must operate consistent with the charter agreement. (Oregon Department of Education)
More Information about Charter Schools
Oregon Dept. of Education: Charter Schools
National Charter School Resource Center
(Please note: ACE is not responsible for the content of other websites)​