The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
Uniforms and Dress Code
ACE has adopted uniforms to encourage a tasteful and modest learning environment. ACE provides, at no cost to the family, two complete school uniforms each year. On Tuesday - Thursday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, students on campus must be in uniform.
On Tuesdays, students wear the “professional” uniform. On Thursdays, students wear ACE-provided polos to coordinate with their team colors. Students are to wear nice black bottoms (non-ripped pants or skirt; no shorts) on any given school day. Any belt, hosiery or shoe color/style is acceptable.
Seniors have the option of wearing business attire instead of the regular uniform. Business attire consists of the following:
Button-up shirts
Khakis / capris
(Men) Tucked in shirt with belt
(Women) Skirts/dresses knee length or below
Well-kept shoes
Not Business attire:

Pre-Grammar & Grammar students will wear grey polo (Tuesdays) or colored House polo (Thursdays); black pleated skirt/jumper or pants; red sweater (only required during Character Assembly on Tuesdays)
Dialectic – Rhetoric will wear white oxford shirt and tie (Tuesdays) or colored House polo (Thursdays); black skirt or pants.
Dialectic 1 & 2 will wear red sweaters (only required during Character Assembly on Tuesdays).
Dialectic 3 and Rhetoric will wear red blazers (only required during Character Assembly on Tuesdays).
Other Dress Code guidelines:
Girls may wear leggings under skirts (leggings may not be worn alone as “pants”).
No hats/head coverings unless worn for religious or medical reasons.
Should a student arrive minus uniform, staff will provide uniform pieces for students to dress themselves in.
Unless otherwise notified, all extra events/days are “No Uniform Required” days, except for the Year-End program & 4th Week Homework Club. Modest casual attire is permitted.
For more information about uniforms, please see the ACE Student & Family Handbook.