The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Resources
ACE participates in Oregon's statewide standardized testing through the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). According to the Oregon Department of Education, SBAC "is a team of states—including Oregon—working together voluntarily to develop K-12 assessments in English language arts/literacy and math called Smarter Balanced. These tests are aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness. The Consortium includes educators, researchers, policymakers, and community groups working to help all students thrive in a knowledge-driven global economy. Smarter Balanced members states educate more than 19 million students nationally. For more information about SBAC, click here.
2025 English Language Arts & Math/Science Tests
April 28-May 1 & May 27-29
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th are testing this year between April 28-May 1 (English Language Arts) and May 27-29 (Math/Science). ACE strives to improve and ensure our students are well prepared for not only their state assessments, but also their future careers outside of ACE. The state assessments provide us with important information as we make curriculum updates and pinpoint skills that students have mastered or that may require more teaching. Tests are not timed but typically take 2 hours (less for younger, more for older).
Sample and Practice Tests (from the Oregon Statewide Assessment System
Oregon State Science Assessment and/or English Language Proficiency (ELPA) opt-out form