Hey there ACE folks! Oh gourd-ness! Can you beleaf its fall already? Well, to help bring about the fall spirit through the months of October and November, Student Council will start selling Fall Grams! Now you might be asking yourself "What exactly is a fall gram?" Fall Grams are a great way to send a fun note and sweet treat to your friends and teachers! Each Fall Gram will cost $1 and consist of a pumpkin or autumn leaf shaped note with a piece of candy of your choosing from our provided selection. All profits collected from these Fall Grams will go to the non-profit we have chosen to donate to this year, the Community Sharing Program in Cottage Grove. It's for a gourd cause! Be sure to leaf your friends and teachers a message this fall! Get them while they're here! The Fall Grams will be sold Thursdays during lunch, so please keep an eye out!
