The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
ACE Board of Directors
Meeting Agendas
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Jeanet Campbell, Board President​
Joseph Lewis, Vice President/Treasurer​
Danielle Brown, Secretary
Chantal Hall, Member-at-Large
Brandon Hockema, Member-at-Large
Matthew Van Dyk, Member-at-Large​
2024-2025 Board Agendas
Board of Directors An elected board oversees the school and is comprised of five to seven people: president, vice president/treasurer, secretary, and from one to three members-at-large. The board is governed by the bylaws of the parent organization, Home Scholars’ Academy of Oakridge & Westfir, and the Oregon Public Meetings & Public Records statutes.
Elections A nominating committee of member families, staff, and current or former board members nominate individuals to serve on the board. These nominations are approved by the sitting Board of Directors. Terms of office are two years with no limit to the number of terms a board member may serve. Board vacancies caused by resignation are filled as soon as possible during a board meeting by a simple majority vote of the sitting board. Employees may not serve as voting members of the board, but only in advisory capacities, while husbands and wives serving on the board share one position and one vote.
Meetings Monthly board meetings are held in accordance with the laws governing public meetings. The tentative meeting dates for the entire year are listed on the school calendar. Agendas are posted at the ACE facility at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting. At least one week prior to a board meeting, individuals wanting to address the board must submit in writing to the board chairman the individual's name, phone number, and a summary of his/her topic. The board chairman will contact the administration to discuss the topic in an effort to discern whether the item is one appropriate for board attention or better handled by another avenue.
Duties The board’s primary duties include hiring and evaluating the administrative staff, approving the budget and school calendar, and updating policies and procedures.