The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
Assessment Data
The Academy for Character Education has been continuously labelled by the Oregon Department of Education as "outstanding."
ACE has met the federal Adequate Yearly Progress requirements for every year of operation.
A majority of ACE students routinely pass the Oregon OAKS reading, science, and math assessments.
Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Report Cards
The At-A-Glance School and District profiles typically include information about demographic makeup of schools, statewide assessments data, class size data, and attendance data. Some data for the 2019-2020 school is not available due to the impact of COVID-19.
Academic Year 2021-2022: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2020-2021: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2019-2020 [see p. 3-4 for ACE report]: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2018-2019: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2017-2018: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2016-2017: English | Spanish
Academic Year 2015-2016: English | Spanish
More school report cards from the Oregon Department of Education (2012-2020)